As part of the 2019-2020 Haute Couture Club Presentation series, Tchad will be presenting a program on three of the more obscure methods Charles James used in his design and construction process At the club meeting on 4 April.
Tchad will focus on James’ concept of the platitude – No, not that one – and its use as a design tool, his concept of the magic triangle, and how he experimented with shape through grain line rotation of pattern pieces as an exploratory technique.
If you are interested in learning more and expanding your sewing and design tool and skill set, the program will run from 10:00 – 11:30 at the Haute Couture Club’s April meeting at the Chicago Bar Association on 4 April, 2020.
You can find out more about the Haute Couture Club of Chicago on their website, or even better, join the Haute Couture Club and enjoy the benefits of their programming throughout the year! It is Chicago’s oldest and most diverse sewing club that tries to make room for everyone.