Sewing classes in chicago: tchad: where the wild things are: maddie: cosplay

Maddie’s Second Project: Where the Wild Things Are Cosplay

After Maddie finished her first project, getting used to the feel of knits generally and the feed of the serger specifically, she needed something to clean her palette and get ready for Burning Man.  Time to have some fun.

Enter: Where the Wild Things Are cosplay costume.

Sewing classes in chicago: tchad: maddie: where the wild things are: workroom: cosplay

She adapted a pattern size ten pant/bodice sloper to come up with the full-length pajama in yellow fleece and we brought out a crown pattern (because, really, who doesn’t just have that lying around in their pattern stash?) and went to town. We used a run-of-the-mill nylon zipper from Jo-Ann’s, about three yards of novelty fleece, and maybe 3/4 of a yard of acrylic felt.

Sewing classes in chicago: tchad: maddie: where the wild things are: workroom: cosplay
What, man? What?

The fiercest cat in the jungle.
