sewing classes in chicago: tchad: Paillettes: sewing studio: debbie: permoda

Debbie has been on a roll again with pageant showstoppers as part of her D’Jean series. This dress is interesting, in that she is venturing out into developing patterns of her own based roughly on multiple pieces from multiple patterns then overlaid with her own interpretation. She started with the bodice from Simplicity #8330.  She modified the shape to fit just a bit better and did a little sculpting through the sides and back. The skirt section is loosely based on Neue Mode #22627 with the flare of the skirt changed subtly. Once we got through the initial redrafting, shaping, and draping, we were goodRead More →

Sewing classes in chicago: tchad: workroom: stdio: christen: sequins: bodice: blouse: darts

Sequined fabrics come up a lot in classes – from Indian to more Western pavé yardage and everything in between. Sometimes the conversation about them revolves around how hard on the machine and how uncomfortable they can be to wear.  This tells us that these people have only been wearing clothes with the sequins sewn into the seam.  To make the piece less scratchy and irritating, and to give it literally a seamless look, remove the sequins from the seam allowances, saving them to fill in the voids once you are done.  It takes longer, but it is entirely worth it – especially when youRead More →