We’ve been hard at work putting together a new series of Summer workshops for July & August and one of our best (although they are all great) is Ying Xue’s 2 day bra making seminar. The Bra making class is scheduled to run 30 & 31 July 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tchad workrooms in Chicago. To make it as easy as possible for you, we’ve put together this quick FAQ to help you decide if it is right for you! • When is the class session? The class will be 30 & 31 July from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • WhatRead More →

There was a question recently over on Metafilter about how to fix small holes and tears in a set of sheers that the asker didn’t want to let go of yet.  They looked something like this: The answer is that you can’t really repair the holes or recreate pristine fabric, but you can mend them so they are as inconspicuous as possible. Here is the best way to do it without driving yourself crazy. Get some sheer fusible interfacing. Nothing too heavy. You are looking for something like Pellon SK135 by the yard. Get a yard or two of it. Have an iron, a pair ofRead More →

We talk a lot in class about specific creative things and how to make them work.  This is the very functional part of the class: The how and where of things. But there is a side of creative classes like this that students don’t always talk about – the why of things and the ways that we think as we develop something. So this little square on the blog is going to be a little more philosophical and less technical – a little less about the pins and needles and a little more about the thoughts behind things. So many times we forget that groupsRead More →

Leather eyeglass case at tchad workrooms in chicago

Tim Tierney came to us a couple of years ago to get familiar with sewing terms and methods of construction. Since then, he and his business partners have founded Stock Manufacturing on Chicago’s Near-West side. Every now and then he pops in to just hang out or learn something specific.  The latest thing he wanted to understand was basic leather working with hand tools.  He brought us this great set of antique punches and awls and said “let’s go!”. He got to work draughting out his basic shape and then working out the details with an awl and a hand-sewn lockstitch.   At the endRead More →

As some of you know, it has been a very not-fun time here at Tchad for a few months.
The blog and a good deal of our business had to be closed to deal with a death.