Sewing classes in Chicago: Tchad: Workroom: Sewing Studio: Antique Button: Button Plackets: Vintage Buttons: Reuse: Buttons

If you are sewing for yourself, you have a chance to do something really special: You have the ability to put things together in a way that may be well above your means, but you have to do it smartly.Read More →

Sewing classes in Chicago: Tchad: Workroom: Studio: Library: Designing Overcoat Patterns for Men and Young Men: David

David recently sent us a link wanting to come to classes and work out some of the finer points in the drafting instructions for   an early 20th century men’s overcoat from Designing Overcoat Patterns for Men and Young Men by Harry Simons published by The Clothing Designer and Manufacturer, NY, NY, 1916.Read More →